Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Is this your new iPhone(5)?

Pictures of the outer body of what is perhaps the new design of the iPhone have been popping on Tech sites.  The rumor pictures seemed doubtful, but as more pictures of the same body design appeared more and more on noted worthy Tech/Apple blogs, it's hard to not confirm that this may just in fact be the new iPhone.

So what does the design say about the new iPhone?

  • Taller - Bigger screen. Probably a 4.1"
  • Headphone jack moved to bottom
  • Facetime camera moved above earpiece
  • Smaller connection at the bottom
  • Uni-Body (Mac Pro) style body
Apple, of course, is not commenting on these rumors until the iPhone is announced this coming fall.  Apple WWDC conference will be held June. Hit the source links below for more images!!

Your move Apple...

Sources:  Zagg // VentureBeat


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