Monday, June 25, 2012

Facebook removed your e-mail and put theirs instead!

That's right.  If you had originally put your e-mail with, or @, then Facebook just replaced all your e-mail address with! And they did this without your permission. Those jerks!  Well, luckily you can get your e-mail back on your profile in a few easy steps:

1.  Click "About" on your profile and scroll down to your email address. Click "Edit" to change it.
2.  Click on the circle next to your Facebook email address and change its setting to "Hidden From Timeline".
3.  Click on the circle next to your other email addresses and change their settings to "Shown On Timeline".
4.  Click the Save button at the bottom of the Edit popup (Don't forget this step).

That's it! Spread this information to your friends!

Source: Forbes


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