Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Windows Phone 8...Your next phone?

No, Microsoft didn't announce a mini-mobile phone version of the recently announced Surface, but instead announced it new mobile OS dub as Windows Phone 8.  So what's new with the OS?

Multi-core support- developers don't have to build apps or games for Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8.  Instead they can just build one game or app at the same time for both.
VoIP integration with Skype - and other apps
Three Screen Resolution - WVGA, WXFA and 720p
NFC - Google has the Google Wallet while Apple has the Passbook.  Well, Windows Phone 8 will have both
New Start Screen
SD Card Support - Finally, you can expand the storage in your phone.
Nokia Maps - with turn-by-turn directions and maps to be available offline (Google maps just recently announced something like that too)

So what happens with current Windows Phone 7 users.  They will get the 7.8 update when 8 becomes available, but who knows what core features will be available or not available when the update rolls out. 

This has been a busy week for Microsoft, with the announcement of their tablet and the new mobile OS, it seems that Microsoft is writing a new chapter and it looks like it going to be a good read.  

Your move Blackberry 10...


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